June Product Update

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July 5, 2023
3 mins

We’re excited to release our June product update! This month we’re bringing you a range of new features that will enhance your payroll experience. Here's what's new:

Ability to set default Work Locations. Work Locations are essential for reflecting where work is performed, which determines the jurisdiction-specific withholding setup required and the applicable taxes for employers and workers. With our recent updates, you can now set a default Work Location, which will be automatically assigned to new workers for a given employer. This feature is extremely valuable for many of our partners, as most of their businesses only have a single work location. As a result, this greatly reduces the setup requirements for end users and the implementation required for partner developers. This is another step forward to help streamline the onboarding process and make building payroll a breeze. 


Example of setting the default Work Location when importing an address

Payroll Run Alerts. Introducing Payroll Run Alerts, another powerful feature to provide valuable insights to our developers and enable them to build world-class payroll products. These alerts are categorized into three types to convey their relevant semantics and be easily consumable: Information, Warnings, and Blockers. 

  • Information alerts provide additional contextual insights for a payroll run. 
  • Warnings highlight common operations that deviate from the ideal path, but they don't block the confirmation of a payroll run. 
  • Blockers ensure compliance and expected payment procedures by preventing invalid worker payments from being processed. 

With our Payroll Run Alerts, developers can create an enhanced payroll run experience that enables employers to preview an entire payroll run even when critical items require attention. If you're using our embeddable UI experience, this feature is included by default and is live. 

Improved Employer Payday Reminder. We understand that bank holidays can impact the payroll process, requiring employers to run payroll earlier to meet their pay date obligations. With Salsa, you can rely on our enhanced EmployerPaydayReminder notification to streamline your employers’ payroll run flow. Our system now triggers the EmployerPaydayReminder notification two days before the employer needs to confirm the next scheduled payroll run, taking into account approaching bank holidays. This ensures that you can promptly notify your employers about their upcoming pay date obligations without implementing additional schedulers.

That’s all for now. We’re thrilled to release these updates and can’t wait to bring you more features to enhance your payroll product and experience. Stay tuned for more!

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